We do not make a refund for the purchased key, this is the policy of the developer of this product. If you doubt whether the program will work on your computer or not, contact us by contacts and we will tell you.
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You can always leave a negative review in and ask to solve your problem. We value reputation.
WEBMONEY certificate
We have a personal certificate in the Webmoney system, which gives an additional guarantee of performance of duties.
Openness and reliability
We will always answer your questions and help you decide on the choice of a particular product. Just write :)
Free technical support
We provide FREE technical support to our users. We can set up the program ourselves, without your participation, if it's more convenient
Always open communication channels
In order not to lose us and be in the course of events, we recommend joining the public conversation of Vkontakte buyers and our Telegram channel.
Reviews in VK group
We have an open Vkontakte group of our second project Intel Cheats, where you can find reviews from our customers. Interesting? Click on the VK icon